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Fuzzi Bunz Cloth Pocket Diapers

We’re using Fuzzi Bunz cloth pocket diapers on our little munchkin. Before seeing Fuzzi Bunz I had the typical response to cloth diapering:

You want to do what? Do you realize how much work that is?

We had friends of ours introduce us to Fuzzi Bunz when they had their daughter. Needless to say, after seeing how simple they were to use, we were sold on the idea. It also helps that it costs a fair bit less to use Fuzzi Bunz and not use disposables. On top of that, we aren’t generating all of that garbage associated with disposable diapers.

Fuzzi Bunz (and most other pocket diapers) are quite simple to use. Yes, there is the whole cleaning step after they have been used but as far as putting them on and taking them off, it’s the same amount of work as a disposable. The Fuzzi Bunz has an outer shell that is made of a water proof material and an inner made of fleece. At one end there is an opening (creating the pocket between the fleece and the water proof shell) where you stuff inserts. Inserts can be made of pretty much anything that absorbs liquid but the best are hemp inserts (in our opinion).

Once the diaper has been used, you simply pull out the insert and toss the whole works in the washing machine. Of course, once your baby is old enough you dump any solids into the toilet first. ;)

We bought most of our Fuzzi Bunz from Jamtots and that was mostly due to the fact they were selling Fuzzi Bunz with the hemp inserts for a while. They also have some of the best prices we’ve come across, including discounts for buying more Fuzzi Bunz at a time.

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